Sunday, October 31, 2010

So did you remember to turn the clock one hour back?

AT 7am I woke up with a cramp in my leg! euch!!!
I got back to sleep and at 9.30am my mom came to wake me, the only problem is that I got confused with all the changing  time stuff! I was grumpy because I tout that we had turn the clock one hour forward! So I tout it was 8.30am on a SUNDAY!!!!
But it really was 10.30am in the summer time... (its winter now)
so at 11.30am we where up at Holmenkollen to show Julia and Daniel the ski-jumping system :)

 the wether has not been so good this last cuple of days :(
It was very fogy but usually you can see the hole OSLO :)
When we came home my mom heated up the school buns :)Oh they are SOOO good! :D

 when Camila, Julia and Daniel left I was so tired...
I think it was a mix all the time change and not as much sleep as I wood prefer on a SUNDAY!!!!
Yummy pizza and some TV watching is nice :)
2 TIMES the door bell rang and some quite girls came trick or treating.
SO something you might not know about me...
I have NEVER gone trick or treating, I NEVER was allowed...
So we never have a HALLOWEEN celebration here at my house sins its like the celebration of the dead...
+ I'm not even allowed to go to a HALLOWEEN party !
so I usally have gotten some candy every Halloween and some times we turn off all the lights so they think there are no one home and then we rent a movie or something like that :)
Well well tomorrow it's school agin witch I'm BTW not totally ready for :/
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣


Woke up by my self at 9am thinking the time had to be something around 12pm!
So I got back to sleep :)
When my mom came at 10.30 and woke me up I was well rested :)
A nice breakfast whit my mom, step dad, Phillip and his friend.
The rest of the morning I just really did nothing... Just got ready for when my mom's friend (Camilla) and here children (Julia and Daniel
At 3pm my mom had baked cinnamon bun's and  something that is called school buns in norwegian. (yummy) so when Camilla came we ate one cinnamon bun each :)
After that I had the job of watching two kids that are 9 years!
First we started out singing SING STAR where I won over them every time ( I felt so bad sins I didn't let them win...) after singing for a while they wanted to try out the dancing mats.
I remembered how much fun it was! but after a while I had to stop because of my back :(
watched dancing with the stars :)
I was actually writing the post last night but my mom came and had to sleep at my room sins my step dad was snoring.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh it have been a while sins I last...

So when my alarm rang at 6.37am, I was so tired so I exposed the alarm to 6.45am. Then I really had to get up! The mornings are usually the worst with my back so it didn't help that I was in a hurry.
Walking down the Long hill trying so hard not to glide on the ice(it was raining yesterday and cold at night so that made some places with ice) But at the end of the hill when I was going up to the sidewalk I slip right when i'm about to walk up to the end I slip and fall fight down on my underhand thumb and knee on the left side.. EUUUUch!!!!!
I called my mom crying (It really hurt) so I had to walk up the hill and when I came home I laid down at the sofa and had a cooling element on my hand and when my mom was ready to go to work she drove me to school :)
So I came to the second class where I got my English paper back! (the one i tout went really bad) But I got a 4- on it so it was not as bad as i tout it was!
Had the English presentation that I think went down the drain :(
The rest of the school day went by fast ich but contained mostly with allot of pain :(
When I came home I was so physical exhausted! I just lied on the sofa for around an hour, ate some food before the stress started out agin.
At 4.15pm I tock a shower and did my makeup and by 5pm I went down to make dinner... Witch I had to stress to make because my mom is finished at work around 5pm! and the dinner was supposed to be finished when she came home.
What I didn't know that my mom had a delay at work and didn't come home before 5.45pm so everything was ready :)
stressed a little about that but when I changed outfit and got my jacket on, and my mom didn't want to walk down the hill so she drove me down to the buss station.
When I got there the DJ's was already testing everything. So most of the time I was in the hallway close by the kitchen...
bout a Jesus Loves Electro T-shirt (I can show you tomorrow :)
I'm so so so so TIRED and EXHAUSTED NOW cant wait to go to bed :)
Hope YOU have had a great day :)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh back to laying in bed all day :(

My alarm went of at 6.45am today but my back was hurting so much I just got to close my bedroom door before I had to lay dow agin :(
I started to listen to the radio before I fell asleep agin...
So nice to sleep to around 9am! 
I got happy because my TV-signale at my room was back today :)
So watching TV soap operas and doing nothing but laying in bed is so boring... But today that was what my back needed!
Did some homework for tomorrow but not everything sins my back was hurting so much I mostly lied still :(
Ate chicken tacos with my mom <3
and went to the store with here...
(I was so sick of being home)
I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow :(
Hope you have had a great day ;)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Even do I didn't do so much I'm so exhausted!

I got up at 6.47 yesterday and I tock it easy until I understood that I had really bad time and I walked as fast as I could (sins my back is hurting so much) but I was so lucky because it was Late so I made school in time :D
We had to meet up at school before we where going to Oslo's Holocaust museum where we wore for a couple of hours....
After the museum my hole class went and ate pizza at my teacher's favorite restaurant :)
After pizza my school day was over and I hurried home sins I had to be at my church, sins I'm helping out on friday when they are having a Cafe at Sub Club :)
So funny when people think that I'm older then 15! 
At 4.30pm the cafe meeting so Martine and I walked over to the subway station and I went up to my mom's job sins she was finished at 5pm. 
we ordered pizza :) :D Yummy (I LIKE PIZZA!!!)
Nice to stay inside when it's poring rain. 
Hope you have had a great day :)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Norwegian Test + Audition

I got up at 7.45am :) so nice to sleep one more hour than usual! sins I had gym the first period.
So when I got to school the time was 9.10am  AND I had the NEW NORWEGIAN test!
Oh..... it went down the drain! HATE IT ALLOT!!!
So i'm not very satisfied with the work I did! :( But it's so hard + it's so stupid to have it!
After that I had math and english :D
I got my math test back! and I got 4- ..... (Better than 2....3...3+ :) )
My mom came and picked me up from school :)
I hurried and tock a shower and ate some food before we had to go to my parent / teacher conference. (HAHA!!! I have no Bad marks!)
We drove to Agusta's house, and I got to see here new PROM-DRESS :)
 It was so Beautiful!!! She followed me to the Audition! :)
The audition went OK I sang No air by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown.
So they told me that I wood get an e-mail this upcoming week if I got thru to the next audition......... SO Nervous!!!!!!
I came home at 8pm ate dinner and did some school work...
So now it's Grey`s Anatomy :)
Hope you have had a great day ;)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday and i'm back :)

I got up at 6.25! sins I had to shower :)
SO I didn't reach the Subway I usally take so I allmoast came to late! BUT I MADE IT :)
my Back is hurting SO much and when I had gym and did the exercises I got from the physiotherapist, but It was hurting so much and when the time came for me to take the walk I was walking like an weary old woman (a old lady with a walking chair walked past me! while crossing the street!!!!!!! and she was so amazed that she got over before me!) She was like 90 and i'm 15!!! OHHHH MAN!!
It's sucks having a bad back!
It was hurting so much and I decided to go home when my free period came...
when I came home I figured out that I had gotten my period :( witch explained SO much!
I talked to Christer today and he fooled me all completely around with all the stuff he did on friday, I tried to talk to him and when I talked to him today he tricked me into believing that he had put me over to NetCom. And I really tried to say sorry for calling NetCom and that I had called the wrong number!
But when I called him up agin he was like "Hei you are now at NetCom... This is Thomas can I help you?"
Only this time I heard it was CHRISTER!!! I got so MAD !!!!
SO ashamed!!!! "HAHAHAHA"
Around 3pm My phone called! ( Go figure)
But the special thing was that they called to say that I had an audition for a Norwergian TV show that is called the choirs battle :) that I and Christina signed up for las time she was here :D
SO tomorrow at 18.30 I have to sing on my first singing audition EVER!!! 
So nervous!!
+ I have a BIG ridicules New Norwegian TEST!!!!!!! it lasts for 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have had a great day :)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

It have been allot this last couple of days!

I have had so much to do! 
Sorry that I haven't been blogging, but this is how my couple of days have been...
At thursday I saw Ice  on the ground at subway station for the first time in a LONG time :(
It was SO cold! School went by and right after I came home I started with my Social study project, It was due 10pm and I had allot to do!
so I worked on that most of the time, and at 7pm Agusta came and helped me :D
So at 9.58 my paper was sent :D
After that We both showered in only 15 minutes, I practiced some for my religion presentation that I had on friday and went to bed.
On friday I had to get up at 6.30! 
I made lunch for me and Agusta and I was in a really hurry sins I had to meet Vera sins we where having the presentation together.
But when I came to school She was late and didn't bring the things she where supposed to bring!
I was so stressed out sins Im so worried about grades!!!!!
I decided that it was better that we just did one each sins i didn't know anything about what she was gonna say (She had a different theme then me)
The negative thing was that when I was about to whave my presentation my teacher's computer crashed so I had to do the presentation with out the pictures and text on the board!
My teacher gave me the opportunity to do it next week but I felt that I could not wait sins I had been so stressed out thinking about it and  and doing all the work, so I decided to do it :) I could not stress one more week for that thing!
After school I meet Agusta and we called Christer (I was wondering sins I didn't get a tweet from him.)
But I had the weirdest conversations with Him he put me over to allot of different people and stations!
My back have been hurting allot this last few days! So Agusta and I decided to stay home, Here friends Hanne and Maria an we watched a sad movie and made waffles :)
This Saturay I slept for so long ( cinda) that night  was kinda long sins my back was hurting and because  Hanne and Maria left around 12am.
So we woke up at 11.30am...
 Made some pancakes of the left over dough (Yummy) 
we went to town sins Agusta had to by a gift for here friend Kaia :)
When We came home I helped Agusta find a costume (it was a costume party that she was going to) so the rest of the day/night (from 5-8.30pm) I was alone home at Agusta's mom house.
When She came home, we made dinner (something yummy :) )
we rented When In Rome on here TV and watched the new Vampire Diaries episode:D
Sunday got up at 12pm! haha!
We cleaned up after saturday and listened to MUSIC :)
my mom made some really good pizza and we had a girls night sins my step dad is on a business trip to france this week.
I was so not ready to get up at 6.25 on monday!!!!
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Got up at 6.40 am!
did every thing I was supposed to do this morning.
I hurried so I could take a hike with my step dad, the only thing was that I got to school at 8am when it started at 8.20 :)
And at the first hour I got the message that I wasn't having my religious test not tomorrow but on friday :)
So after school Vera came with me home and we worked with our project :) 
So tomorrow I have to work with my social studies and make the mini talk.
+ Agusta is coming to sleep over tomorrow :D
watching Brothers and sisters with so much drama!
My back is hurting quite much :(
Hate to have so many projects when its so important to get good grades so I can com into the school I want for next year!!!
Super stressed just thinking about it!!
Allot of school work to do after school tomorrow! :(
Hope you have had a great day :)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Math Test!! oh no!

So it was so hard to get up at 6.40 to day.... For some reason I was just more tired then usual!
SO when I had gym in my first lesson, I was supposed to do some exercises but I ended up laying on the mat listening to music :)
And after that I had social studies and norwegian and then after that I had the MATH test!!!!!
It went pretty good but I know that it's two questions that I didn't get :(
Went to the physiotherapist and she said that i have been making progress :)
She put a tape on my neck and my back :)
(I have no Idea of why but i'm gonna have it on to sunday.)
Been writing my English task and i'm soon finished  :)
Hope you have had a great day ;)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Monday, October 18, 2010

oh yea its MOnday "!!! :D (POSITIVE)

So I got up at 6.40am ready for a really busy week!
School was fine I got my book report back and I got a 5! :)
After school I called Christer  and asked him about witch day he wanted me to come and visit and He said that he wood tweet to me when He new :)
It's gonna be so much fun to visit him agin!
Agusta came right after school to help me with my math...
Sins I have a Big math TEST tomorrow :(
We seriusly was sitting with maths from 3.15 to 7! (pm) So now I have math coming out of my mouth...
But I have a feeling that It's gonna be all forgotten when I have the test tomorrow!!!
 SO.... SO....  Worried!!!!!
tock a shower :)
and now I'm ready to go to bed!
hope you have had a great day :D
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Sunday, October 17, 2010

SUNDAY and I can still not totally believe how great the concert was

So I woke up at 12pm this morning!
Still a little gone from Yesterday, Cant believe the concert last night! It was SO good!
+ I cant stop laughing of what I said to Petter !
watching some of the bad video recording's from the concert and how I think that the microphone on my Iphone sins the music was so loud!
We started watching Sex in the city (the first movie) and when the clock got to 3pm my mom was coming in an hour so I packed all my stuff got ready and was just finished when my mom called and said that she was on here way.
When I came home I started bloging about yesterday, but so many things was distracted me, My aunt and cousin came + I have had allot of school work on my mind!
AND I have been thinking about witch day I'm going to visit Christer :)
Been watching Romeo + Juliet because I need to write a film review and to make a mini talk to tuesday!
To morrow it's monday and that means another school day and getting up at 6.40 :(
Hope you have had a great day :D
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

LAdy GAga concert!!!!

So first of all I got to sleep to 10am! 3 and a 1/2 hours more then I usually do!
so I just lied in bed for almost an hour before I went down and ate breakfast :)
I hurried to the shower and packed all the clothes that I was thinking of wearing....
I was at Agusta's house at 12pm.
we did our hair and make up, and decided what we where going to wear :)
At 3pm we left here house and where off to eat pizza :)
at 4pm we where at the store buying some candy and something to drink when I remembered that Christian had written something on Twitter about; that he wondered if they sold pez holders anymore and we found a dinosaur :) So I got it for him in cause we runed  in to him at the concert :D
So at 4.30pm we where standing in line to get in!
And at 7.15pm they opened the entrance and WE got in!!!
At first Agusta was standing all in front into the Fence.
Semi Precious Weapons where the band that played before LADY GAGA CAME ON!!!
And by the time Lady GaGa came on I was standing in front of the fence and only 1 METER form Lady GaGa when she was on the smaller stage.
The place was so packed full of people! and then LADY GAGA CAME ON!the Intro at youtube

 The hole show was so GOD!
She sings so Good!
I'm so thankful that I won tickets!
Such a AMAZING experience! WOW!
Show went on so fast and at 10pm it was finished!
So I really wanted to meet Lady GaGa or Christian and thank him for the tickets...
We started walking around when I suddenly saw Petter Pilgaard and then Christian :)
I first of all thanked Christian for the tickets and after that I commented something to Petter, He was smoking! So I told him that it was not good for him and that he wood die from it!
And after that I gave Christian the Pez dinosaur, He was laughing so much! :D
After that Agusta and I went home to here house and started watching Mean Girls, but  Agusta fell asleep after 10  minutes so I stopped watching and went to bed..
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Went by NRJ to day :)

So my day started at 6.15am when I bumped into some books on my nightstand and I made so much noise!
But I went back to sleep and woke up by my alarm  at 6.41am and that one minute was SO important :)
My morning went on by fast and suddenly and I was in such a hurry to get to the subway!
At school Danielle from NRJ, tried to call but every time she called I had a lesson and when I tried to call back no one answered.... But around 12pm I got a text from here asking me if I wanted to go by NRJ and get the tickets and that The tickets I got where for the concert tomorrow :D
So the lasts lesson was so slow!
After school I walked around with Hanna killing some time before I met Agusta on the subway,And so we where on our way to NRJ :)
I had broth some gum that I had left from the US sins I had it with me the last time I was there to!
So first we met Christian so nice to see him agin :)
and then we met Christer He was like: ISABELLE!!!!
And then He invited me to come by next week :D
I dont know witch day it is that i'm going to visit him but i'm gonna do it ;)
After that we got our tickets from Christian :)
Haha so much fun!
after that We sat on the buss for one hour before we came to Agusta's house and then I had to take the buss home agin after 10 minutes!

Ate dinner and went to a great meeting at church.
so now I'm super tired and ready to get a good night of sleep before the LADY GAGA CONCERT TOMORROW!
Hope you have had a great day :D
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Thursday, October 14, 2010

OMG!!! haha

So I got up at 6.35am today and it was dark and cold!
I got ready and got to drive with my step dad down the hill so I made the subway that left 7.48am ;)
And I was at school 8.06am and my class started at 8.20......
SO I have been listening to Lady Gaga all day sins I was thinking that I needed to practice all the songs so that I new all the songs.
So that I was prepared to call inn to NRJ :)
At 6.45pm my step dad had made dinner and we where sitting down to eat but when the time stroke 6.59 I went up stairs to my room and called Christian Laland! And I got thru!
He had me tell the rules and then he played BAD ROMANCE !!!! :D
and I sang the right words !!!!

I'm so HAPPY :D
And tomorrow I'm gonna go to where the studio is to get the tickets :D
haha I do so know where it is.
Hope you have had a great day :D
God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So I had the English test and met up with Agusta

I got up at 6.30am oh...
so early! and it was totally dark out side :(
I was really stressed out because I had my English test!
and the tasks where SOO bad!!!
This is how my desk looked right before I handed in my paper....
and after the test I called Agusta I we found out that I was going to her house after school :)
so I had choir  for two hours and after that I went to Agusta's house :)
We had a nice late lunch together before we tock a walk over to the hair dresser (She got a hair cut)
But when we came to the hair dresser she had forgotten here credit card so I had to go and get it and on my way I saw A RAT!!!!!
SO grose!!!!
 Her hair got so nice :)
It was so nice to spend the afternoon with Agusta  ❤
when I came home I worked with my book presentation, tok a shower and watched Brothers and Sisters :)
So now my bed is calling my name!! ISABELLE
hope you have had a great day ;)
❤God Bless You❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

just another cold day... and I have the feeling that its allot more to come :(

So I got up at 6.30am today because I had to heat up some rolls, for my brother and me :D
and I really stressed the hole morning until I sat down to eat my breakfast I suddenly had 20 minutes so I ended up getting an earlier subway so I was 10 minutes before I regular do...
The rest of mey day went on...
had gym the first time,then just regular subjects!
After school I had to wait a while for my chiropractor and when I was finally finished and I got home the time was 4pm!!!
I ate some really late lunch with my mom (every tuesday she has the day off :) )
I have been thinking of coloring my hair darker brown....
what do YOU think? 
It's gonna be my first time so i'm exited about it....!
Watching Grease Anatomy :)
+ I have gotten back to my regular talking with Agusta mode :D
I have this Big two hour english writing test tomorrow and I'm so nervous! :(
I better get to bed....
Hope you have had a great day!
Good night sleep tight ;)
❤Good Bless you❤
❣Allot Of Love Izzy❣